
Hi you have found my blog, you may be interested to follow my activites.

I mostly do things with cars, and Amateur Radio, my station callsign is currently (2E0KVA) and hold an intermediate level licence. I mostly use phone, and dont do much operating on the key, but am trying to get better at CW.

You may have had the opertunity to speak to me on the air, if so leave me a comment or a message. So 73s to those ham radio operators that may be visiting. Also if you want to get into ham radio let me know and I can advise you where to begin this very diverse hobby.

I also dabble with electronics and computers in my spare time, so keep watching for some interesting projects I may be working on.

I'm a typical Brit so expect some banter and humor.
If you can't take it you know where the door is.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

230310 - day at the office USA

Hello all,

Just finished another day at work, managed to get some orders shipped out, which is a good thing. Not much exciting happened really, as for most of the day I was the only one covering the office, meaning I had to take calls and pack items.

Luckily I did the quota for today, but importantly I also had enough time spare to give the warehouse a clean; It needed it.

also got in touch with some old friends on here, its been ages since I spoke to them.

Well I cant think of anything else that's occurred worth mentioning, just a normal day really.

220310 - Job in MN

Ok so I actualy stayed up most of saturday night playing computer games, until 4am where I decided to leave for the airport.

I parked the car in BWI express parking, and took the bus to the terminal. The flight out was a good one, everything went according to schedule and there were no problems with the flight.

At the other end, my contact, a maintenance man from the factory picked me up and took me to the site on sunday to do some peliminary work and basic tests to get them out of the way so on monday I can focus on the getting out early.

Well we found a lot of problems on the machine, the main blade shaft bearings were shot, so they needed to be replaced. I brought along some bearings that I thought were the correct ones, but it turned out to be wrong. We therefore had to find a supplier, on sunday to get some bearings. We were blessed, as we found a company with the equivalent bearings, and he was willing to stay open and wait for us to collect them.

We got the bearings back to the factory and fitted them to the machine. this was now at about 10PM. At 11pm we decided to carry on tomorow and resume the work.